

The bodies of the 7 Configurations are bodies yet-to-be. They exists only as potential configurations in the world of each artwork. Far from commonly accepted criteria of ‘normality’, these bodies cannot be easily defined. They take on elements of ritual life, animal domain and human subcultures, they enmesh with circuits, cables and bacterial residues, they are never static, never the same, always mutating, ever restless.

Through each of the pieces in the cycle, the bodies mutate into diverse configurations. Non-linearly but steadily, their appearances and abilities evolve and regress, their identities develop and morph in an effort to incorporate the machines they perform with. But they never reach closure, rather they remain suspended in a frantic effort to exist despite the constraints of their desire.


Movements, dances and actions of the bodies in the 7 Configurations draw from choreographic research on the borders between use and abuse, saturation and emptiness, body modification and violence. Through a coupling between movement, sound and engineering, the bodies become a site of experimentation, where boundaries are crossed and capacities exceeded. They are vexed, misplaced, thinking amalgama.

Each configuration in the cycle brings to the fore a particular conflict – be it physical, psychological or physiological – between what is considered ‘human’ and ‘inhuman’, ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’. The physical abilities of a body become its disabilities which, in turn, become new abilities. Gender is never still, it flows within and without the bodies’ skin.